The John Clare Society of North America


Membership Application/Renewal by Mail


This form is provided for those who wish to apply for membership by mail.  Please print out this page and mail it to the address shown below, together with your check or money order.


You are invited to join (or renew your membership in) the John Clare Society of North America. Memberships are valid for a one-year period, from August through July of the following year. Members receive all regular publications of the John Clare Society, including the annual John Clare Society Journal, the quarterly John Clare Society Newsletter, and the annual John Clare Society of North America Newsletter.


Annual rates for U.S. members:

Canadian currency (personal checks are quite acceptable):

Institutional membership: $40.00 U.S. (or $52.00 in Canadian currency)


Please make your check payable to the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association. (Note: this organization now manages our check deposits.)

Your Name: ___________________________________   

Address: ______________________________________



E-mail: ________________________________



James McKusick

301 Muir Street, Unit 404

Cambridge, MD 21613


How to Join the John Clare Society of North America - Payment by Credit Card