The John Clare Cottage Appeal - Donation by Mail

The John Clare Society of North America is seeking contributions for the John Clare Cottage Appeal.  All funds raised for this Appeal will be used to conserve and develop the John Clare Cottage as an educational resource.

This form is designed for those who wish to donate to the John Clare Cottage Appeal by mail.  Please print out this page and mail it to the address shown below, together with your check or money order.


Please make checks payable to the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association.  Checks in U.S. or Canadian dollars are welcome.  Thank you for your support!


Your Name: ___________________________________   

Address: ______________________________________



E-mail: ________________________________



Dr. James McKusick

301 Muir Street, Unit 404 

Cambridge, MD 21613



Founded in 1997, the John Clare Society of North America is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, literary and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.  Donations by U.S. residents are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.


NOTE: U.K. residents and international donors should make their donations directly to the John Clare Trust.


The John Clare Cottage Appeal | The John Clare Society of North America