The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association

The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association is sponsoring a festive lunch and a scholarly session at the 2024 convention of the Modern Language Association in Philadelphia.

Session 317:

Pan-European Romanticism

Friday, January 5, 2024, 3:30-4:45 p.m.

Marriott 401-403

Program arranged by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association

Presiding: Erica McAlpine, St. Edmund's Hall, University of Oxford


1. "Epigraphs in Byron and Pushkin's Eugene Onegin," Jonathan Gross, DePaul University

2. "Temporality and Revelation in K.H. Macha and the English Romantics," Martin Prochazka, Charles University, Prague

3. "Byron and Sand: Constructing an Image of the Nineteenth-Century Travel Writer," Andra Bailard, University of Texas at Austin

4. "Print Culture and the Rise of Global Celebrity," Omar F. Miranda, University of San Francisco


Click here for information on the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association annual lunch